Star Trek Reman Name Quiz

Welcome to the star trek reman name quiz. If you've ever wondered what Star Wars character you'd be, you've probably wondered about Remans. Remans are humanoids that have deep-set eyes, white skin, and pointy ears. They are telepathic and have a variety of abilities, including the ability to dull pain and a highly intelligent mind. Though they are nocturnal, they are also excellent warriors. Some of their most famous characters are Remans.

Did you know that the Reman name is derived from their long history? These aliens are slaves for the Romulan Star Empire. Their history is filled with death, bloodshed, and savage violence. That's what makes them interesting, because their plight is one that many people can relate to. They are not omnipresent in the franchise, but their names are still memorable.

Before the arrival of the Romulans, the Remans were a separate species. They were a distinct race, and when the Romulans migrated to Remus, they deported the undesirables. As a result, the Remans interbred with the Romulans, who are now their genetic cousins. In the show, the character is known to have spelled Kirk's name incorrectly, and he also decorated planets and killed his fellow crew members.

What is your Star Trek Reman Name?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Star Trek Reman Name is.