Star Trek Romulan Name Quiz

Welcome to the star trek romulan name quiz. The Romulans have a long and rich history that dates back to the 16th century, when they settled on Romulus and positioned themselves as one of the Federation's most powerful enemies. Their names were derived from Roman ancestors, as Roman territory expanded outside of Italy, and many people adopted Roman names and became Roman citizens. Their empire began to crumble after the death of Romulus and Remus, however.

The Romulans of Star Trek were famous antagonists in the original series, and their names still carry that same image. The names for these aliens are mostly two or three syllables, and they used to follow the naming convention for male and female: male names began with S, while female names began with T. While they are still hostile toward the Federation, they have allied with them in their war with the Dominion. The Romulan language, or Rihannsu, is similar to the Vulcan language and is difficult to distinguish from Vulcan or other species.

The Romulans of Star Wars are also similar to humanoid species. While the two races differ in their physical appearance, they have the same musculoskeletal structure. While the ridged-roofed variety is referred to as northern Romulans, the ridgeless type is considered as a separate species. There are a number of different variations of the name, which makes it difficult to choose the right one.

What is your Star Trek Romulan Name?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Star Trek Romulan Name is.