Star Trek Vidiian Name Quiz

Welcome to the star trek vidiian name quiz. Using a computer-generated name generator, you can choose your favorite Star Trek character's name and the gender. The first five answers will be male, and the remaining six will be female. The rest will be a mix of the two. You will probably end up with a different name. Once you've decided, you can take the Star Wars Vidiian Naming Quiz to find out which character you'd be and how to change it.

A common 'Star Trek' movie reference is the Phage. It's a small, but memorable, episode from the original series. The original cast of the show was largely human, but the Phage era wiped out the majority of Vidiians. In that alternate timeline, Phage is cured, but it would take the Vidiians centuries to rebuild their civilization. This is why they offer protection to the Voyager crew.

A second example of a Star Trip character's name is "Dereth". It's not hard to guess this person from the background image. The starship's image is part of the show's copyright. If you don't want to ruin the original version, try another option. You can choose from a range of options.

What is your Star Trek Vidiian Name?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Star Trek Vidiian Name is.