Star Wars Chandrilan Name Quiz

Welcome to the star wars chandrilan name quiz. If you've been looking for a unique name, you've come to the right place! This free quiz will help you come up with a unique name, whether you'd like a male or female name. There are more than ten names to choose from, so you'll be sure to find one that fits your personality.

If you want to find out more about the planet of Chandrila, then take this quiz to find out! This name is derived from the legendary holocron that he left behind during the Hundred-Year Darkness. The holocron was said to be a powerful weapon and a source of immortality. Though not mentioned in the Star War canon, Prakith has had some influence on the galaxy. His name was incorporated into the name of one of the legions of Sith Troopers in the upcoming film, Rise of Skywalker.

Mon Mothma was a senator in the Galactic Senate from the Bormea sector. She died peacefully on the planet Chandrila, in 24 ABY. Mon Mothma came from a wealthy family on Chandrila. Her parents were both arbiter-generals for the Republic. In the midst of their struggles against the Empire, Mon Mothma became a leader in the Rebellion. When she was only 19, she was elected to serve in the Galactic Senate, a record that has not been broken since.

What is your Star Wars Chandrilan Name?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Star Wars Chandrilan Name is.