Star Wars Clawdite Name Quiz

Welcome to the star wars clawdite name quiz. In "Star Wars: Attack of the Clones," a bounty hunter, known as Clawdite, infiltrates a Spectre base. Although humanoid in appearance, Clawdites evolved from reptomammals and had slender necks and large eyes. Their pupils are slit-like, and their irises are yellow. The skin of a Clawdite varies in color from green to yellow.

Amanin is a member of the Clawed Order. His squid-like staff is adorned with skulls, and he often drags around a decaying corpse. This character is a non-repentant killer who dragged Count Dooku's corpse because he can. His name means "dead" in Galactic language, and it seems likely that he's a necrophile.

Amanin was the sole member of the Clawed Order in the 1977 Star Wars film. He carried a staff decorated with skulls and dragged a decaying corpse around the palace. His nickname is Amanaman, and he's a notorious killer. His body tattoos, though, make him stand out. But his personality also makes him the perfect name for a bounty hunter.

Do you want to be a Clawdite? Then this quiz is for you! Take the quiz, and find out! Then, get ready to have an exciting new name! You may have been wondering, "What is my Star Wars Clawdite Name?" If so, you're in luck. The StarWars universe has some awesome aliens, and now you can join the fray.

What is your Star Wars Clawdite Name?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Star Wars Clawdite Name is.