Star Wars Duros Name Quiz

Welcome to the star wars duros name quiz. Have you ever wondered what a Duros name is? These hairless aliens have blue skin and big, red eyes, making them easy to spot. They were the first humanoid species to venture into space, and they have superior astronavigational abilities. They live in the galactic core on the planet Duro. In the 1977 Star War film "Star Wars," two Duros are seen drinking in the Mos Eisley Cantina, and Cad Bane is a professional bounty hunter. You can also find them in Knights of the Old Republic and Knights of the Sith Lords.

Iridonians were an alien race that lived on the planet Sylvanus. They had a tough leathery skin, and were well known for their resistance to blaster fire. They were also notorious for being extremely tough, with horns that grew out of their heads. In the films, they were frequently the target of bounty hunters, and often became bounty hunters as a result.

The Dowutins are a species of aliens. These creatures have horns on their chins and hooved feet. They were a very stingy race, and they were the only source of rations on Jakku. The Duros are aquatic creatures, and all male species have horns. This breed of aliens is known to be fierce and independent.

What is your Star Wars Duros Name?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Star Wars Duros Name is.