Star Wars Geonosian Name Quiz

Welcome to the star wars geonosian name quiz. Did you know that the name "Geonosis" is derived from the Greek word "genesis," which means birth and lineage? Interestingly, the English word "genesis" is a transliteration of this word. As the Rebel Alliance, we have known that the Geonosians were very evil. The Rebel Alliance used genocide to recruit more people to their cause.

If you want to know your Star Wars Geonosian name, take our quiz! We have a list of a few names that are common to Geonosians. The most common names are Klik-Klak, Klik-Klaak, and Snippet. If you choose to answer "Geonosis", you'll get a hint about your character's traits.

The Geonosian queen Karina was born of Geonosian prawns, and she later hatched two geonosian battle droids. These droids carry sonic blasters and shriek before they die. The language of the Geonosians is heavily based on insect-like sounds, which make it hard for them to communicate.

During the early Republic period, Geonosians were infertile and thus replaced their natural offspring with battle droids. They also substituted their offspring with the geonosian species in the same way. The word "Karina" implies that Karina the Great was the first queen of the Geonosians.

What is your Star Wars Geonosian Name?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Star Wars Geonosian Name is.