Star Wars Ithorian Name Quiz

Welcome to the star wars ithorian name quiz. Ithorians are an agricultural race from the galaxy of the Clone Wars. They have long, thin fingers and four throats. They have glossy flesh and a T-shaped head with eyes at either end. They are known to have stereo hearing, and they expel air with a strong force. Their names are both fun and unique, and their appearance is often inspired by the characters in Star War movies.

The Ithorian name 'Oora' means 'ocean.' Ithorians have an abundance of natural resources, and they're often known as peaceful people. Many Ithorians served as explorers, peace officers, and navigators. However, not all of them were peaceful. A small percentage of violent Ithorians were banished from their homeworld and went on to become drifters or bounty hunters. Regardless of their violent dispositions, Ithorians are typically polite and conversational.

As you'll soon learn, Ithor was a dense jungle planet that the Ithorians lived on. They worshipped the goddess of the jungle, Mother Jungle, and vowed never to desecrate her homeworld. This is why they built expansive herdships above their homeworld and spread out to other planets. The Empire eventually conquered Ithor and wiped out the entire species. In 12,000 BBY, they made contact with the Republic, but only after destroying it.

What is your Star Wars Ithorian Name?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Star Wars Ithorian Name is.