Star Wars Nikto Name Quiz

Welcome to the star wars nikto name quiz. The Nikto race is made up of reptilian humanoids, each with their own unique traits. There are several subspecies of Nikto, each of which has their own unique aesthetic. Their names are complex and difficult to pronounce. The majority of them are based on the phrase "Klaatu barada Nikto," which comes from the 1951 movie The Day the Earth Stood Still.

This name derives from the language spoken by the Noghri species on the planet Honoghr. He was a bounty hunter. His best friend was Barada, who acted as his mechanic and muscle. The word "Klaatu" is derived from a line of dialogue in the 1951 science fiction film, "The Prisoner."

The Niktos were reptiles. They lived in the Outer Rim Territories. Some of them had obsidian-like eyes and had membranes over their eyes to protect them from sandstorms and diving underwater. Those who lived in the desert regions of the planet were known as "Red Nikto," which had horns that were bigger than their pikes. Their noses had filters so they could survive without water.

What is your Star War Nikto name? Find out by taking the quiz. This Starwars quiz will reveal the most popular Nikto names in the movies. Take this quiz and see what you think! If you don't like a certain name, don't worry! There are plenty of other Star Wars Nikto names you can use.

What is your Star Wars Nikto Name?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Star Wars Nikto Name is.