Star Wars Savarian Name Quiz

Welcome to the star wars savarian name quiz. If you've ever wondered what your name might be in Star War universe, don't worry. You don't have to be a Jedi to discover what your StarWars Savarian name is. Taking this quiz will help you discover what your StarWars character's name would be. It's easy, fun, and completely free!

The first Savarian Master was the most kind and considerate person in the universe. He took in young Padawan Rocou at age ten. He knew about his sister's identity before she was detected and persuaded Shaak to take him back to town. Eventually, he was knighted and started his journey across the galaxy.

You're a Jedi, Padawan, or Savarian--and the Clone Wars shook the galaxy. You joined the Jedi Order as a young boy and fought in dozens of warzones to fight for freedom and democracy. You were a Jedi in a different time, but you never lost touch with your past. You still weep for your Master, even after all these years.

What is your Star Wars Savarian Name?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Star Wars Savarian Name is.