Star Wars Selonian Name Quiz

Welcome to the star wars selonian name quiz. The Selonians are tall, furry, ferret-like creatures that can see in the dark and possess retractable claws. Because of their nature, they care deeply for their dens and consider the needs of many above their own. As such, their names are difficult to pronounce, but you can still get some clues from these quizzes.

The Selonians were sentient beings from the Corellian system. They were large, musteline mammals with long, flexible spines. Most were female, but one out of every five were male. The Selonians were nocturnal and could only live in caves or icy planets. They were fierce fighters. As a result, a name of "Taj" might be very appropriate.

Despite their nocturnal lifestyle, Selonians were a part of the Rebel cause during the Galactic Civil War. However, they retreated to their own world after the collapse of the Empire. This led to a cultural rift between the Selonians and other species. But the Quelques Selonians are trying to change their culture by being more honest with other species.

As you can see, the Selonians have quite a history. During the Prime of the Corellian system, the Jedi Master Oppo Rancisis personally defended Corellia. As a result, they are one of the first hyperspace explorers and pioneers. Their society consisted of small towns and farms, and the Dependingian system was once considered a dump for undesirable creatures.

What is your Star Wars Selonian Name?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Star Wars Selonian Name is.