Star Wars Sephi Name Quiz

Welcome to the star wars sephi name quiz. The name "Sephi" is a unique choice for fans of the Star War universe, as it is both short and melodic but has a slightly harsh tone to it. There are 12 names in the Sephi species, each based on two first names. Longer surnames are usually used to combine the first and second names. If you think your chosen name isn't a Sephi, you can change it to something else.

In the StarWars universe, the Sephi were indigenous to the planet Thustra. During the Clone Wars, their leader, King Alaric, sided with the Confederacy of Independent Systems. In A Guide to the World of the Jedi, a part-Sephi named Bertroff Hissa had "alien blood" but that didn't stop him from being a Jedi.

The Sephi were indigenous to the planet Thustra and fought alongside the Jedi Order and the Galactic Republic. King Alaric of the lands of the Confederate of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars. The character's name, Bertroff Hissa, is derived from the Sephi's name and has a similar meaning to the name of the Jedi, but in a slightly more ominous way.

What is your Star Wars Sephi Name?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Star Wars Sephi Name is.