Star Wars Tor Zabrak Name Quiz

Welcome to the star wars tor zabrak name quiz. The Zabrak are a near-human species with distinctive horn patterns and facial tattoos. They live on the planet Iridonia and are fierce warriors. They have been known to mix with humans and breed successfully. Their name is based on a combination of animal names and mythical beings. They are very similar to humans but differ in their naming conventions.

There are four possible names for a Zabrak: Orakep (from New Zealand), Pelial (from Greece) and Sash (from English). Eeth was taken as a youngling and was considered exceptionally strong. The Jedi Zabrak are trained from infancy, but Agen was killed while trying to arrest Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. Other possible names include Dathomirian, a subspecies of the Zabrak, and Ordae, a hybrid of male and female Zabrak.

The names of the Zabrak are derived from the names of animals found in Iridonia. While many of them are named for the 'Sith', they have long been associated with the 'Dark Side' and were often associated with selfishness. Most of their names come from animal, botanical or even Chinese origin. There are also many examples of European and Latin names for Zabrak.

What is your Star Wars Tor Zabrak Name?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Star Wars Tor Zabrak Name is.