Starfinder Human Name Quiz

Welcome to the starfinder human name quiz. In the Starfinder universe, humans are one of the more volatile and driven races. In their quest to conquer other races, they are the perfect intermediaries. Their names reflect a wide variety of influences, ranging from myths to folklore. In the case of human names, they are often derived from something you already love or admire. Here, we've compiled a list of the most popular human names in the game.

Your human name may have a cultural or geographic origin. You can choose a Spanish or Russian name. Arabic and Hebrew names are both popular choices. They mean "true and loyal." Your Starfinder Human name may also be a foreign language. For example, the Russian and Turkish names are both meaning "sword." The English version of the Spanish and Portuguese versions of the names contain the word safira, which means "happy and blessed." And, you could choose a name that's both beautiful and mysterious.

Your human name is derived from your ethnic background, race, and gender. If you were born in Finland, you may be named Maayan, which means "spring of water." If you are born in Chechnya, your name would be Mabon, meaning "son of the moon." Similarly, in India, you might be named Salma, meaning "honorable victory."

What is your Starfinder Human Name?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Starfinder Human Name is.