Stargate Wraith Name Quiz

Welcome to the stargate wraith name quiz. Did you ever wish you could have a wraith name? Well, you can! There are plenty of ways to come up with your own unique wraith name. The first way is to brainstorm. Think of the characters and places you'd like to visit. Then, think of a few names that would fit. Then, take the quiz and find out which one best fits your personality.

The second way to find out your wraith name is to read about the characters. The first one is the most common - Dr. Weir. He was a medical researcher. He became part of a Replicator after the first mission to Atlantis. The second way to come up with your wraith name is to be a satean, a Satedan, or both.

Which one would you choose? If you were a wraith, you would choose the name Michael Lastlight. He was a human-wraith hybrid. His human name came from Lt. Colonel John Sheppard. The Atlantians and crew of the Atlantis expedition called him Michael. Other characters called him Michael. The first one was a military officer. The second was a scientist, who named him Dr. Zelenka.

What is your Stargate Wraith Name?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your Stargate Wraith Name is.