The Dark Eye Cyclopean Name Quiz

Welcome to the the dark eye cyclopean name quiz. According to the Greek mythology, the word cyclopean comes from the Latin adjective cyclopeus, and the Greek Kyklopeios, a compound of kyklos "wheel" and ops, "eye, face." The cyclops is probably the best-known cyclopean, but there are others.

The Greeks also revered the Cyclopes. The Cyclopes forged the trident of Poseidon, Artemis' bow, and Apollo's thunderbolt. The Greeks attributed their power to the gods, as they were the creators of these weapons. In Homer's Odyssey, Polyphemus kills the sea nymph Acis for stealing her pearl. In the Roman mythology, the Cyclopes were the workmen of Hephaestus, and Apollo killed them in revenge for the killing of his wife Asclepia.

The Elder Kyklopes were one-eyed immortal giants who forged the lightning-bolts of Zeus. Cronus overthrew Uranus and put the Cyclopes back in Tartarus. The female dragon Campe guarded them. When Zeus freed them, he used them to forge the main weapons of Zeus. The Arges and Brontes added brightness and thunder, and the Steropes gave him the helm of invisibility.

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What is your The Dark Eye Cyclopean Name?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your The Dark Eye Cyclopean Name is.