The Witcher Nilfgaardian Name Quiz

Welcome to the the witcher nilfgaardian name quiz. Your first Nilfgaardian name has been shaped by your interests. It could be anything from the nature of the world to your favorite fictional character. The worlds of The Witcher are full of wonderful characters and exciting adventures. Fortunately, you can have the opportunity to explore these worlds by taking this fun quiz.

The names of Nilfgaardians are unique and often guttural. Some of them even contain consonant combinations that are rare in other cultures. In contrast, the names of females tend to be more melodic, ending with a vowel. Their surnames are usually a variation of their first names, linking them together with words like 'van' or 'aep'.

The Nilfgaardian name Geralt is one of the most memorable characters in the series. As the titular witcher, he has become a legend, tying himself to Ciri and the war between the Nilfgaard and the Northern mages. The name, a mixture of Germanic and English, translates as "rule of the spear," which is appropriate considering his mercenary skills and savagery.

Cahir Mawr Dyffryn aep Ceallach is another female Nilfgaard character. She is the daughter of the Cintran family. Her father was a dryad, but she joined the gang in the second war. She became pregnant while on a quest with Geralt. Upon being wounded in the Battle for Bridge on Yaruga, she miscarried her baby. Her relationship with the baron, Roegner, ended when she was injured in the Stygga.

What is your The Witcher Nilfgaardian Name?

Answer a few easy question and we will tell you what your The Witcher Nilfgaardian Name is.