Top 10 Story Conflict Ideas

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The Top 10 Story Conflict Ideas List

These are the Top 10 Story Conflict Ideas for 2024.

1. Representatives from two warring nations meet to start peace talks.
2. An old woman wishes to reconnect with her family but is slowly losing her memory.
3. A hiker encounters a grizzly bear protecting her two young cubs.
4. A man is rich beyond his wildest dreams but has become increasing lonely in the process.
5. A woman in 1918 fights for her right to vote.
6. A broken time machine sends a person to the wrong time period.
7. A person must fight robots in gladiator combat.
8. A criminal seeks to make amends for his past crimes as his life draws to a close.
9. A person is tricked into swapping places with their reflection.
10. A man is ridiculed online after a video of him is turned into an embarrassing meme.

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