Top 100 Basilisk Names

Welcome to the top 100 basilisk names. This site is a cool tool for fantasy writers. Some people have taken the time to compile a nice list of basilisk (Medusa) names. I think this 100 top list should make the job of finding a good basilisk name much easier.

The Top 100 Basilisk Names List

These are the top 100 Basilisk Names for 2024.

1. Nebula
2. Basilisk
3. Deja-Moo
4. Reese Slitherspoon
5. Jinx
6. Versace
7. Juniper
8. Cuddles
9. Bounce
10. Diablo
11. Gilly
12. Slider
13. Slick
14. Vegas
15. Tilly
16. Nebula
17. Sage
18. Buddy
19. Buttercup
20. Raisin
21. Fortune
22. Minnie
23. Salazar
24. Kato
25. Buttons
26. Ruby
27. Moss
28. Cornelius
29. Beans
30. Templeton
31. Wiggles
32. Dandy
33. Moosic
34. Ophelia
35. Julia Squeezer
36. Crowley
37. Adele
38. Bastian
39. Donut
40. Envy
41. Deja-Moo
42. Cecil
43. Mamba
44. Noodles
45. Brazil
46. Myrtle
47. Hissy Elliot
48. Storm
49. Rumplesnakeskin
50. Igor
51. Chai
52. Titan
53. Muffy
54. Hydra
55. Snuggles
56. Layla
57. Domino
58. Enchi
59. Ghost
60. Shiloh
61. Serpico
62. Barney
63. Celest
64. Naga
65. Cuddles
66. Raven
67. Ellie
68. Coolie
69. Fanghis Khan
70. Pharoah
71. Impa
72. Waylon Slithers
73. India
74. Peaches
75. Arnold
76. Indigo
77. Crawly
78. Billie
79. Anemone
80. Pascal
81. Barak Cobrama
82. Gizmo
83. Jazz
84. Zillah
85. Atlas
86. Nigel
87. Rex
88. Biscuit
89. Piggy
90. Monty
91. Severus Snake
92. Danger
93. Nigel
94. Mars
95. Eclipse
96. Julius Squeezer
97. Worm
98. Checkers
99. Arnold
100. Raisin

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