Top 100 Borderlands Vault Hunter Names

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The Top 100 Borderlands Vault Hunter Names List

These are the top 100 Borderlands Vault Hunter Names for 2024.

1. Rogue Rift
2. Radiant Rose
3. Thunderclap
4. Nebula Nebula
5. Black Widow
6. Nightfall
7. Specter
8. Shadowstrike
9. Venomous
10. Lightning Bolt
11. Avalanche Fury
12. Radiant Rose
13. Shard Shifter
14. Lightning Bolt
15. Rose Thorn
16. Inferno
17. The result is "Ironclad"
18. Mirage Mind
19. Doombringer
20. Twilight Sentinel
21. Black Widow
22. The result is "Ironclad"
23. Steelheart
24. Radiant Rose
25. Black Widow
26. Blade Shadow
27. Specter
28. Shard Shifter
29. Bloodmoon
30. Eclipse
31. Mirage Mind
32. Shard Shifter
33. Lightning Bolt
34. Blade Shadow
35. Avalanche Fury
36. Bloodmoon
37. The result is "Ironclad"
38. Venomous
39. Avalanche
40. Frostbite
41. Blade Shadow
42. Grimm Reaper
43. Ember Nova
44. Rose Thorn
45. Cyclone
46. Rose Thorn
47. Specter
48. Nightfall
49. Wildfire
50. Mirage Mind
51. Twilight Sentinel
52. Ghost Whisperer
53. Twilight Sentinel
54. Ember Nova
55. The result is "Ironclad"
56. Eclipse
57. Thunderhawk
58. Frostbite
59. Nebula Nebula
60. Sandstorm
61. Shadowstrike
62. Dark Phoenix.
63. Black Widow
64. Black Widow
65. Inferno
66. Deathstroke
67. Sandstorm
68. Shard Shifter
69. Blade Shadow
70. Avalanche
71. Shard Shifter
72. Avalanche Fury
73. Thunderclap
74. Black Widow
75. Avalanche
76. Wildfire
77. Nebula Nebula
78. Steelheart
79. Thunderhawk
80. Stormchaser
81. Plasma Surge
82. Crimson Vengeance
83. Radiant Rose
84. Radiant Rose
85. Solar Flare
86. Avalanche
87. Wildfire
88. Nebula Nebula
89. Shard Shifter
90. Doombringer
91. Crimson Vengeance
92. Lightning Bolt
93. Specter
94. Solar Flare
95. Eclipse
96. Doombringer
97. Crimson Vengeance
98. Thunderhawk
99. Venom Viper
100. Plasma Surge

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