Top 100 Candy Names

Welcome to the top 100 candy names. 100 Candy Names has a list of the top 100 candy names used by humans. Sometimes humans use candy names for candy packaging, candy stores and the people who work for them. Candy Nuggets are a good example of using candy names for a branding name.

The Top 100 Candy Names List

These are the top 100 Candy Names for 2024.

1. Cubies
2. Coolies
3. Dubbles
4. Waggles
5. Stampers
6. Riots
7. Loopies
8. Vampies
9. Rifrafs
10. Galaxies
11. Rumbles
12. Rumbles
13. Gumbles
14. Dragons
15. Oaties
16. Yahoos
17. Growlies
18. Crackles
19. Doodles
20. Fiddlesticks
21. Delicies
22. Chestnutters
23. Wibbles
24. Sugies
25. Roars
26. Banananice
27. Shazams
28. Fiddlesticks
29. Roley Poley
30. Oaties
31. Mergies
32. Smashers
33. Bunnies
34. Spikes
35. Cubies
36. Flakies
37. Nudgefudge
38. Nacheeze
39. Crackles
40. Blues
41. Blossoms
42. Goldies
43. Crusties
44. Sapphires
45. Loopies
46. Rollies
47. Growlies
48. Doodles
49. Mumbles
50. Pummels
51. Bitterbutter
52. Flakies
53. Rickets
54. Cheeselocks
55. Magmas
56. Waggles
57. Galaxies
58. Beardies
59. Dimdums
60. Buggles
61. Galaxies
62. Sponges
63. Milkies
64. Puds
65. Marvels
66. Fluxies
67. Custart
68. Delicies
69. Creamies
70. Cheeries
71. Bunnies
72. Mumbles
73. Wonkies
74. Partles
75. Rompers
76. Chippies
77. Bits
78. Snappers
79. Frazzles
80. Milkies
81. Piglets
82. Milkies
83. Muffles
84. Grumbles
85. Pippops
86. Diggies
87. Booboos
88. Melties
89. Twinkles
90. Sluicies
91. Pretties
92. Twinkles
93. Chestnutters
94. Partles
95. Cocos
96. Goofies
97. Dragons
98. Snappers
99. Diggies
100. Twinkles

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