Top 100 Industrial Revolution Inventor Names

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The Top 100 Industrial Revolution Inventor Names List

These are the top 100 Industrial Revolution Inventor Names for 2024.

1. George Westinghouse
2. George Eastman
3. Isambard Kingdom Brunel
4. Richard Arkwright
5. Nikola Tesla
6. Thomas Edison
7. Howard Hughes
8. Gottlieb Daimler
9. James Watt
10. George Stephenson
11. Samuel Colt
12. Henry Bessemer
13. Joseph Swan
14. Rudolf Diesel
15. Karl Benz
16. Edwin Drake
17. James Watt
18. James Watt
19. George Eastman
20. Benjamin Thompson
21. James Watt
22. James Watt
23. Cyrus McCormick
24. Gottlieb Daimler
25. Thomas Edison
26. Isaac Singer
27. Richard Arkwright
28. Karl Benz
29. James Hargreaves
30. George Westinghouse
31. Rudolf Diesel
32. James Hargreaves
33. John Kay
34. Samuel Morse
35. Karl Benz
36. Nikola Tesla
37. Christopher Latham Sholes.
38. Nikola Tesla
39. Eli Whitney
40. Benjamin Thompson
41. Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen
42. Christopher Latham Sholes.
43. George Stephenson
44. Rudolf Diesel
45. Gottlieb Daimler
46. Howard Hughes
47. George Eastman
48. John Kay
49. George Stephenson
50. Howard Hughes
51. Edwin Drake
52. Nikola Tesla
53. Thomas Edison
54. Isambard Kingdom Brunel
55. Alexander Graham Bell
56. Thomas Edison
57. Howard Hughes
58. George Eastman
59. Isambard Kingdom Brunel
60. John Kay
61. John Deere
62. Andrew Carnegie
63. Richard Arkwright
64. Thomas Edison
65. Rudolf Diesel
66. Samuel Morse
67. Thomas Edison
68. Philo Farnsworth
69. Samuel Colt
70. Thomas Telford
71. Cyrus McCormick
72. James Watt
73. Christopher Latham Sholes.
74. Edwin Drake
75. Alexander Graham Bell
76. Karl Benz
77. Hiram Maxim
78. Rudolf Diesel
79. Robert Fulton
80. John Kay
81. Isaac Singer
82. James Watt
83. Alexander Graham Bell
84. George Westinghouse
85. Andrew Carnegie
86. Henry Ford
87. James Watt
88. Guglielmo Marconi
89. Robert Fulton
90. Benjamin Thompson
91. Alfred Nobel
92. Karl Benz
93. Karl Benz
94. Nikola Tesla
95. Christopher Latham Sholes.
96. Joseph Swan
97. George Westinghouse
98. Karl Benz
99. Nikola Tesla
100. John Deere

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