Top 100 Wizard Names

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The Top 100 Wizard Names List

These are the top 100 Wizard Names for 2024.

1. Godrick Gryffindor
2. Valter
3. Merlin
4. Paternos
5. Blaze
6. Cedric Diggory
7. Owahl
8. Ahiqor
9. Thor
10. Atlantes
11. Regis
12. Crasior
13. Kokius
14. Remus
15. Santorium
16. Doyus
17. Oliver Cromwell
18. Norbert
19. Severance Snape
20. Illuminarus
21. Santorium
22. Allistair
23. Tantum
24. Santorium
25. Regis
26. Baal Shem
27. Salazar Slytherin
28. Gobeynas
29. Antonin Dolohov
30. Rasputin
31. Placido
32. Vrodetrix
33. Elphias Levi
34. Sapius
35. Bloise
36. Paracelsus
37. Wenageor
38. Dumbledore
39. Vincent Crabbe
40. Voldemort
41. Reginald Cattermole
42. Aberforth Dumbledore
43. Iquenitor
44. Abe no Seimei
45. Janus
46. Baal Shem
47. Bormidium
48. Emobarin
49. Sturgis Podmore
50. Neville Longbottom
51. Diablen
52. Cedric Diggory
53. Caligula
54. Isbahn
55. Aberforth Dumbledore
56. Floreviar
57. Baal Shem
58. Severance Snape
59. Ignotus Peverell
60. Trixarif
61. Julius
62. Sapan
63. Garrick Ollivander
64. Uokore
65. Bene
66. Appniar
67. Norbert
68. Filch
69. Peter Pettigrew
70. John Dee
71. Voldemort
72. George Weasley
73. Archan
74. Elphias Levi
75. Klelin
76. Michael Scot
77. Vrodetrix
78. Igor Karkaroff
79. Regis
80. Placider
81. Ibforn
82. Iphineas Nigellus Black
83. Avhone
84. Avhone
85. Edgeor
86. Gregorvitch
87. Archan
88. Mad-Eye Moody
89. Peter Pettigrew
90. Gevius
91. Hermes
92. Dableus
93. Ugrorius
94. Desior
95. Valter
96. Plasoveus
97. Peter Pettigrew
98. Archan
99. Ivbeus
100. Ibforn

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