Top 20 Badger Names

Welcome to the top 20 badger names. Some of the names listed can be used for pet badgers like the honey badger. People who have pet badgers also learn about them at this site. Beware of the info site.

The Top 20 Badger Names List

These are the top 20 Badger Names for 2024.

1. Fido
2. Bitsy
3. Keesha
4. Nico
5. Achibald
6. Rusty
7. Winnie
8. Xia
9. Sir
10. Tony
11. Edwina
12. Zuzu
13. Astro
14. Thunder
15. Kate
16. Chief
17. Toto
18. Achibald
19. Chewy
20. Chunt

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