Top 20 Borderlands Vault Hunter Names

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The Top 20 Borderlands Vault Hunter Names List

These are the top 20 Borderlands Vault Hunter Names for 2024.

1. Dark Phoenix.
2. Void Wanderer
3. Steelheart
4. Thunderclap
5. Steelheart
6. Venom Viper
7. Deathstroke
8. Rogue Rift
9. Blade Shadow
10. Twilight Sentinel
11. Bloodmoon
12. Void Wanderer
13. Shard Shifter
14. Thunderhawk
15. The result is "Ironclad"
16. Bloodmoon
17. Cyclone
18. Thunderclap
19. Mirage Mind
20. Psycho Siren

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