Top 20 Coronavirus Jokes

Welcome to the top 20 coronavirus jokes.

The Top 20 Coronavirus Jokes List

These are the top 20 Coronavirus Jokes for 2024.

1. What did the virus say to its partner? "We've got to stop spreading ourselves too thin!"
2. How do viruses communicate with each other? Through cell phones!
3. What did the doctor say to the germ? "You're a little too contagious for my liking!"
4. Why did the virus go to art school? Because it wanted to improve its infectious creativity!
5. Why did the virus join the baseball team? It heard they were great at catching things!
6. Why did the virus go to the bank? To spread the interest!
7. What did one virus say to the other? "Don’t worry, we'll make a great team!"
8. What's a virus's favorite type of math? Multiplication, because it loves splitting up!
9. Why did the virus join the baseball team? It heard they were great at catching things!
10. How does the coronavirus get around town? Through nose-to-nose contact!
11. Why don't viruses ever win at poker? They always have a tell!
12. Why don't viruses ever win at poker? They always have a tell!
13. How did the coronavirus take over the world? By being the virus-est!
14. Why did the virus break up with its partner? It needed more space to replicate!
15. Why did the virus break up with the bacteria? It found someone new that was more its type!
16. Why are ghosts bad at spreading the coronavirus? They always wear their boo-tiful masks!
17. Why did the coronavirus apply for a job? It wanted to spread its wings!
18. Why did the coronavirus join the choir? To learn how to spread harmony!
19. How did the coronavirus do on its test? It aced the spread sheet!
20. What did the doctor say to the germ? "You're a little too contagious for my liking!"

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