Top 20 Date Names

Welcome to the top 20 date names. The most common first day of the month is January 1st. However you can name a person after the first day of a month that starts with any letter. For example October 1st is just as good as January 1st.

The Top 20 Date Names List

These are the top 20 Date Names for 2024.

1. Year: B Month: brujulst Day: kriht
2. Month: vumuhl Year of the Beaver
3. Month: frosozis Year of the Tiger
4. Month of Elation Year of the Peacock
5. Year: E7 Month: tosill Day: frex
6. Year: najath Month: gliqum Day: kligess
7. Year: K Month: krurc Day: grems
8. Month: qlevarq Year of the Bison
9. Month: woalt Year of the Swan
10. Month: stideht Year of the Horse
11. Year: xeist Month: tleirt Day: zipap
12. Year: hiohl Month: gresemm Day: dewurf
13. Month: hazicius Year of the Armadillo
14. Year: strivuht Month: griokius Day: axaz
15. Month of Peace Year of the Woodchuck
16. Month of Sunlight Year of the Tortoise
17. Month of Fools Year of the Crab
18. Year: slorulf Month: qlaxuzis Day: xocums
19. Year: doeb Month: plahixis Day: grakehs
20. Month: frosozis Year of the Tiger

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