Top 20 Female Names

Welcome to the top 20 female names. The female names list is very popular as is the male names list. These are purely English baby names that people use for their own babies. The ideas supported by this list are based on the top names of babies born in 2004 through the top male and female baby names of today.

The Top 20 Female Names List

These are the top 20 Female Names for 2024.

1. Natalia
2. Rachel
3. Jaclyn
4. Lucy
5. Robyn
6. Clara
7. Margie
8. Verna
9. Kimberly
10. Allison
11. Beverly
12. Eleanor
13. Teresa
14. Cheryl
15. Marian
16. Ana
17. Alejandra
18. Sharon
19. Sarah
20. Yolanda

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