Top 20 Haunted Asylum Patient Names

Welcome to the top 20 haunted asylum patient names. .

The Top 20 Haunted Asylum Patient Names List

These are the top 20 Haunted Asylum Patient Names for 2024.

1. Dante Ravensong
2. Arabelle Ravenshadow
3. Imogen Holloway
4. Ophelia Silverwood
5. Persephone Nightfall
6. Octavia Blackrose
7. Nathaniel Crowsfield
8. Casper Whitby
9. Rufus Bloodworth
10. Persephone Nightfall
11. Arabelle Ravenshadow
12. Dante Ravensong
13. Celestia Nightengale
14. Imogen Holloway
15. Lucinda Ashbourne
16. Nathaniel Crowsfield
17. Alaric Grimmsby.
18. Finnegan Darkwater
19. Rufus Bloodworth
20. Alaric Grimmsby.

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