Top 20 Inuit Names

Welcome to the top 20 inuit names. Finding a good Inuit name is easy with the top 200 Inuit names list. This list is fun to use because it includes names specific to the Inuit people. Many people look up this list when they need to name someone specific this is where they go to get what they need.

The Top 20 Inuit Names List

These are the top 20 Inuit Names for 2024.

1. Patuktuq (Ice Crystals)
2. Kappianartok (Fearful)
3. Aqillutaq (New Snow)
4. Qeorvik (Wood)
5. Taktuq (Fog)
6. Aklaq (Black Bear)
7. Quamaniq (Beam of Light
8. Ataninnuaq (One who counsels)
9. Atanarjuat (Fast Runner)
10. Chena (Name of a river)
11. Tattilgat (Crane Bird)
12. Nirliq (Snow Goose)
13. Agloolik (Good Spirit)
14. Agloolik (Good Spirit)
15. Atka (Guardian Spirit)
16. Higalik (Ice House)
17. Kannoyak (Cotton Grass)
18. Aupti (Snow on the Ground)
19. Ataciara (Familiar Spirit)
20. Kunikpaa (Kiss Him/Her)

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