Top 20 Magical School Speciality Class Names

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The Top 20 Magical School Speciality Class Names List

These are the top 20 Magical School Speciality Class Names for 2024.

1. Sidhe Diplomacy
2. Psychic Warfare
3. Crystal Divination
4. Enchanted Botany
5. Time Bending
6. Starlight Infusion
7. Phoenix Rebirth
8. Celestial Healing
9. Celestial Healing
10. Alchemy of the Elements
11. Dancing Lights
12. Enchanted Botany
13. Psychic Warfare
14. Elemental Manipulation
15. Dreamwalk Empowerment
16. Phoenix Rebirth
17. Whispering Shadows
18. Enigma Studies
19. Dancing Lights
20. Illusionary Spectacles

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