Top 20 Mystery Novel Character Names

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The Top 20 Mystery Novel Character Names List

These are the top 20 Mystery Novel Character Names for 2024.

1. Inspector Julian Blackwood
2. Agent Isadora Vale
3. Detective Rowan Delaney
4. Inspector Amara Cole
5. Chief Inspector Gabriel Hawthorne
6. 41. Detective Phoenix Harlow.
7. Detective Celia Rosewood
8. Detective Gideon Graves
9. Chief Inspector Desmond Frost
10. Chief Inspector Gabriel Hawthorne
11. Inspector Serenity Raines
12. Inspector Valencia Brooks
13. Inspector Allegra Sterling
14. Inspector Elowen Steele
15. Detective Ivy Wilder
16. Chief Inspector Lennox Sawyer
17. Inspector Seraphina Stone
18. Detective Ivy Wilder
19. Inspector Valencia Brooks
20. Detective Celia Rosewood

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