Top 20 Rain Jokes

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The Top 20 Rain Jokes List

These are the top 20 Rain Jokes for 2024.

1. Why did the raindrop break up with the puddle? Because it found someone more refreshing!
2. Why did the raindrop break up with the puddle? It was tired of the relationship being one-sided!
3. Because it had a lot of emotional baggage!
4. Why did the raindrop go to the bank? To liquidate its assets.
5. Why did the weather report go to therapy? It had too many highs and lows!
6. What did one raindrop say to the other?
7. What did one raindrop say to the other?
8. What did one raindrop say to the other? Two's company, three's a cloud!
9. Why did the lightning bolt break up with the thundercloud?
10. Why did the lightning bolt break up with the thundercloud?
11. Why does rain always get invited to parties? Because it knows how to make a splash!
12. What did the rain say to the umbrella? Cover me, I’m falling hard!
13. Why did the raindrop go to school? Because it wanted to be a little brighter!
14. What do you call it when it rains cats and dogs? Feline precipitation!
15. Why did the raindrop break up with the puddle? It found someone more uplifting!
16. Because it felt under the weather.
17. Why did the raindrop break up with the puddle? It found someone deeper!
18. Why did the lightning bolt break up with the thundercloud?
19. Why did the lightning bolt break up with the thundercloud?
20. Why did the raindrop go to school? Because it wanted to improve its precipitation!

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