Top 20 Yo Momma So Fat Jokes

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The Top 20 Yo Momma So Fat Jokes List

These are the top 20 Yo Momma So Fat Jokes for 2024.

1. Yo momma so fat, she jumped in the air and got stuck
2. Yo momma so fat, she jumped in the air and got stuck
3. Yo momma so fat, when she wears a yellow skirt, the sun gets jealous
4. Yo momma so fat, when she dances, the band skips
5. Yo momma so fat, when she dances, the band skips
6. Yo momma so fat, when she takes a selfie, Google Earth zooms out
7. Yo momma so fat, when she takes a selfie, Google Earth zooms out
8. Yo momma so fat, when she wears a yellow dress, people shout "Caution, wide load!"
9. Yo momma so fat, she takes up both lanes of the highway
10. Yo momma so fat, she jumped in the air and got stuck
11. Yo momma so fat, she stepped on a rainbow and made Skittles
12. Yo momma so fat, when she walked past the TV, people missed a season of their favorite show
13. Yo momma so fat, when she wore an "X" jacket, helicopters tried to land on her
14. Yo momma so fat, when she wore an "X" jacket, helicopters tried to land on her
15. Yo momma so fat, she puts on her belt with a boomerang
16. Yo momma so fat, she wears a VCR as a beeper
17. Yo momma so fat, she got arrested for carrying 10 pounds of crack
18. Yo momma so fat, she jumped in the air and got stuck
19. Yo momma so fat, when she dances, the band skips
20. Yo momma so fat, she needs a hula hoop for a belly button ring

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