Top 30 Gothic Vampires Names

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The Top 30 Gothic Vampires Names List

These are the top 30 Gothic Vampires Names for 2024.

1. Nikolai Bloodborne
2. Viola Nightshade
3. Melisande Grimshaw
4. Isolde Shadowgrave
5. Elara Shadowdusk.
6. Azrael Darkthorne
7. Rosalind Darkbrook
8. Ragnar Blackheart
9. Valerian Darkhaven
10. Evangeline Nightshade
11. Cordelia Blackmoor
12. Ambrose Ravenscroft
13. Elara Shadowdusk.
14. Selene Nightfall
15. Darcy Darkwell
16. Thora Grimshaw
17. Darcy Darkwell
18. Ravenna Nightshade
19. Genevieve Blackthorn
20. Lucian Blackwood
21. Isadora Blackthorn
22. Soren Bloodmoon
23. Giselle Nightsong
24. Caspian Bloodworth
25. Nikolai Bloodborne
26. Elara Shadowdusk.
27. Isolde Shadowgrave
28. Cordelia Blackmoor
29. Ravenna Nightshade
30. Valerian Darkhaven

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