Top 30 Hedgehog Names

Welcome to the top 30 hedgehog names. In a time when people are blogging about all sorts of animal topics and categories, a top 30 list of hedgehog names was bound to show up on the web. is one of the best names available for a pet hedgehog.

The Top 30 Hedgehog Names List

These are the top 30 Hedgehog Names for 2024.

1. Harry Hedgehog
2. Yoda
3. Shadow
4. Tatertot
5. Bubbles
6. Giles
7. Dawn
8. Izzy
9. Hoover
10. Nugget
11. Harvey
12. Raisin
13. Beebo
14. Great White
15. Snickers
16. Lulu
17. Porky
18. Anjo (or Angel)
19. Clementine
20. Nimbus
21. Smidgen
22. Herbert
23. Lily
24. Peanut
25. Buddha
26. Pip Squeak
27. Hagrid
28. Groucho
29. Clementine
30. Horace

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