Top 30 High Ideas

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The Top 30 High Ideas List

These are the top 30 High Ideas for 2024.

1. Do the minutes on the movie boxes include the previews, credits, and special features, or just the movie itself
2. When medication says 'do not operate heavy machinery,' they're probably mainly referring to cars, but my mind always goes to a forklift.
3. Why do they call him Donkey Kong if he is not a donkey
4. A phone app that translates your pet's sounds into words
5. How can they arrest you for being 'legally drunk'
6. Why do doctors leave the room when you change
7. If a vacuum cleaner really sucks, is that good or bad
8. Brainstorm a new holiday that celebrates global unity
9. What are the handles for corn on the cob called
10. A book that changes plots every time you read it
11. Why are plastic bears the only animal you can get honey from
12. Develop an exercise routine based on dance moves from around the world
13. Imagine a coffee shop where every cup tells a story
14. Why doesn't Winnie the Pooh ever get stung by the bees he messes with
15. Can a short person "talk down"to a taller person
16. Create jewelry that adapts to the wearer's health needs
17. What is the essence of beauty � is it universal or culturally defined?
18. Why do they call him Donkey Kong if he is not a donkey
19. If a word is misspelled in the dictionary, how will anyone ever know
20. Why don't woodpeckers get headaches when they slam their head on a tree all day
21. What is the true nature of time � is it linear or cyclical?
22. The concept of time as a dimension that can be navigated and manipulated.
23. What is Satan's last name
24. A bookshelf that sorts books based on your mood
25. Drinking water with a minty mouth is the cold version of spicy.
26. Why is the man who invests your money called a "broker"
27. Create jewelry that adapts to the wearer's health needs
28. When we're young, we sneak out of our houses to go to parties. When we're old, we sneak out of parties to go home.
29. Why do we say we're head over heels when we're happy
30. Do you yawn in your sleep

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