Top 30 Inuit Names

Welcome to the top 30 inuit names. The top 30 Inuit names list is a way for people to find good names for an Inuit character their writing. This list is also used by Inuits that want to incorporate a traditional Inuit name into their current name.

The Top 30 Inuit Names List

These are the top 30 Inuit Names for 2024.

1. Malik (Wave)
2. Nauja (Seagull)
3. Sakari (Sweet)
4. Tulukaruk (Crow)
5. Nirliq (Snow Goose)
6. Kayuqtuq (Red Fox)
7. Qimmiq (Dog)
8. Manirak (Smooth Ice)
9. Takiyok (Long)
10. Tukkuttok (Generous)
11. Tiilaqiia (Beautiful Plant)
12. Akluitok (Is Rich)
13. Oogrooq (Bearded Seal)
14. Pekartok (Rusty)
15. Ek Chua (God of Merchants)
16. Kamik (Boot)
17. Nutaaq (Solid Ice)
18. Qimmiabruk (Puppy)
19. Malik (Wave)
20. Kingudlerk (Ultimate)
21. Tupiq (Tent)
22. Issumatar (Superior)
23. Ataneq (King)
24. Kissarviarsuk (Kiss)
25. Nuvuk (Headland)
26. Palartok (Quiet)
27. Tulukaruk (Crow)
28. Tupilek (Shaman)
29. Anik (Seer)
30. Atkonartok (God that lived on land)

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