Top 30 Mega Villain Names

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The Top 30 Mega Villain Names List

These are the top 30 Mega Villain Names for 2024.

1. Gloomstorm
2. Malificus
3. Vileblade
4. Grimwrath
5. Plaguebringer
6. Doomfury
7. Deathbringer
8. Netherbane
9. Malevolence
10. Deathshroud
11. Malignant
12. Abyssalord
13. Darkbane
14. Oblivion
15. Vortexshade
16. Sinistershade
17. Zaroth
18. Blackheart
19. Soulreaper
20. Dreadweaver
21. Soulreaper
22. Havocfiend
23. Gloomstorm
24. Sinistram
25. Vileblade
26. Blackheart
27. Stygian
28. Darkseer
29. Netherbane
30. Wraithstorm

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