Top 30 Mutant Superpower Code Names

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The Top 30 Mutant Superpower Code Names List

These are the top 30 Mutant Superpower Code Names for 2024.

1. Power to create deafening sonic booms with a clap of their handsVenomshadow
2. Can regenerate body parts and split into multiple forms Darkmatter
3. Can interface with and control electronic devices with their mind Reflectora
4. Control over ice and can freeze objects with a touch Thunderclap
5. Control over ice and can freeze objects with a touch Thunderclap
6. Control over nanotechnology, can manipulate microscopic machines Arcaneveil
7. Can create protective barriers using emotional energy Plasmafist
8. Generates dark energy swords that can cut through anything ChronoShift
9. Ability to phase through solid objects by shifting into another dimension Energysweep
10. Ability to morph into any living creature or person
11. Able to blend into shadows and secrete a paralyzing venom Mindmeld
12. Shoots beams of super-hot plasma from their fists Psionicwhisper
13. Projects realistic illusions to confuse and distract enemies Venomgaze
14. Paralyzing gaze that can immobilize enemies with a single look X-rayflare
15. Projects realistic illusions to confuse and distract enemies Venomgaze
16. Control over ice and can freeze objects with a touch Thunderclap
17. Shadowstrike
18. Manipulates all four elements - earth, water, fire, and air Mindmelder
19. Increases mental abilities to superhuman levels for short bursts Shadowmeld
20. Can regenerate body parts and split into multiple forms Darkmatter
21. Can emit blinding bursts of light and heat Nanobond
22. Controls dark energy to create shields and launch destructive attacks Illusionweaver
23. Conjures ethereal flames that burn even in the absence of oxygen Hydrahex
24. Super speed enabling them to move faster than sound Gravitywave
25. Power to create deafening sonic booms with a clap of their hands
26. Can merge with shadows and move through them unseen Hypernova
27. Controls dark energy to create shields and launch destructive attacks Illusionweaver
28. Ability to manipulate time and move freely through it Empathicshield
29. Generates dark energy swords that can cut through anything ChronoShift
30. Can generate intense heat and flames from their hands Frostbite

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