Top 30 Mythic Herald Names

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The Top 30 Mythic Herald Names List

These are the top 30 Mythic Herald Names for 2024.

1. Dawnfire Ignition
2. Aurora Skydancer
3. Quartz Earthguardian
4. Seraphim Lightbearer
5. Shadowcloak Whisperer
6. Seraphim Lightbearer
7. Titan Earthshaker
8. Dawnfire Ignition
9. Luna Starshaper
10. Stormcaller Oracle
11. Phoenixsong Firebrand
12. Dawnfire Ignition
13. Quartz Earthguardian
14. Stormforged Warbringer
15. Nebula Starwatcher
16. Emberheart Flamebringer
17. Dawnfire Ignition
18. Thunderhoof Earthguard
19. Vortex Windwalker
20. Sunstrider Apex
21. Celeste Moonweaver
22. Aurora Skydancer
23. Seraphim Lightbearer
24. Moonshadow Acolyte
25. Starweaver Celestia
26. Ember Flamebearer
27. Stormcaller Oracle
28. Quartz Earthguardian
29. Ember Flamebearer
30. Titanforge Mountaincaller

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