Top 30 Oracle Prophecy Names

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The Top 30 Oracle Prophecy Names List

These are the top 30 Oracle Prophecy Names for 2024.

1. Cassiopeia Dreamseer
2. Ophelia Earthsong
3. Luna Mistwalker
4. Luna Mistwalker
5. Isadora Frostweaver
6. Faolan Wyldweaver
7. Endymion Starseeker
8. Thalassa Tidecaller
9. Sylas Soulforge
10. Darian Lightbringer
11. Phoenix Fireheart
12. Azura Moonwhisper
13. Seren Mistbringer
14. Seraphina Evergaze
15. Morwenna Nightbloom
16. Seraphina Evergaze
17. Ellara Whisperwind
18. Erythros Fatesinger
19. Vesper Moonlily
20. Isadora Frostweaver
21. Theron Dreamweft
22. Xander Stormcaller
23. Orion Starshaper
24. Thalia Rosewhisper
25. Valeria Earthsong
26. Morpheus Dreamweaver
27. Selene Nightwatcher
28. Selene Nightwatcher
29. Kaida Dragonwhisper
30. Xander Stormcaller

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