Top 30 Wizards Protege Names

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The Top 30 Wizards Protege Names List

These are the top 30 Wizards Protege Names for 2024.

1. Elara Firebloom
2. Elara Firebloom
3. Sylvan Starwhisper
4. Aria Swiftspell
5. Aurelia Moonshadow
6. Evander Emberheart
7. Valerian Shadowcrafter
8. Felix Moonstone
9. Calista Silverbrook
10. Aurelia Moonshadow
11. Lysandra Skydancer
12. Caspian Frostwind
13. Evander Emberheart
14. Evander Emberheart
15. Darius Stonemage
16. Oberon Sunspark
17. Oberon Sunspark
18. Seraphina Dreamweaver
19. Sylvan Starwhisper
20. Calista Silverbrook
21. Aurelia Moonshadow
22. Calista Silverbrook
23. Sylvan Starwhisper
24. Lyra Nightingale
25. Thaddeus Mistwalker
26. Evadne Seastorm
27. Oberon Sunspark
28. Thalia Starwhisper
29. Evander Emberheart
30. Aurelia Moonshadow

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