Top 50 Badger Names

Welcome to the top 50 badger names. This Badger names list is a good place to find interesting names for your pet. The sites lists the 50 most popular badger names here. This badger names list is not just for badgers, but there are great names here that are used for badgers and other pets.

The Top 50 Badger Names List

These are the top 50 Badger Names for 2024.

1. Bluebell
2. Pumpa
3. Mr Magoo
4. Mr Badger
5. Velvet
6. Tilly
7. Stark
8. Kobe
9. Sunny
10. Kai
11. Isily
12. Bitsy
13. Rusty
14. Kelly Clawsborne
15. Scooter
16. Seus
17. Martin Badger
18. Frances
19. Fergus
20. Dinky
21. Nate
22. Rusty
23. Buttons
24. Dufus
25. Keesha
26. Winnie
27. Ollie
28. Achibald
29. Maxwell
30. Ascaris
31. Jewel
32. Tucker
33. Tank
34. Ivory
35. Perry
36. Blair
37. Leo
38. Riley
39. Harper
40. Fritz
41. Ivy
42. Hedwig
43. Nate
44. Pumpa
45. Raisin
46. Nate
47. Malika
48. Cooper
49. Frances
50. Shrek

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