Top 50 Basilisk Names

Welcome to the top 50 basilisk names. Basilisk names is a cool ideas for coming up with the coolest name for a character in an RPG. Jokers use this site to come up with a funny name for a character in their RPG like to make a Name Basilisk.

The Top 50 Basilisk Names List

These are the top 50 Basilisk Names for 2024.

1. Indigo
2. Kuro
3. Dolores
4. Natasha
5. Dandy
6. Gopher of All Trades
7. Snakespeare
8. Blinky
9. Templeton
10. Shiva
11. Danger
12. Naga
13. Solar
14. Blazer
15. Kermit
16. Ichi
17. Eclipse
18. Bane
19. Kato
20. Pinky
21. Peaches
22. Kitty
23. Vegas
24. Snape
25. Snake Gyllenhaal
26. Athena
27. Sithis
28. Fangis Khan
29. Jupiter
30. Diablo
31. Turbo
32. Maize
33. Gunther
34. Harlem
35. Precious
36. Snake Gyllenhaal
37. Hissy pants
38. Sir Hiss
39. Franco
40. Strangles
41. Ziggy
42. Noodles
43. Luna
44. Adele
45. Cornelius
46. Buttercup
47. Envy
48. Monty
49. Boomer
50. Dolores

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