Top 50 Forgotten World Names

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The Top 50 Forgotten World Names List

These are the top 50 Forgotten World Names for 2024.

1. Myths of Caelumyn
2. Whispers of Eldoria
3. Elysian Wastes
4. Myths of Caelumyn
5. Depths of Ebonreach
6. Isle of the Forgotten Veil
7. Gaze of the Aetherion
8. Shattered Isles of Valoria
9. Whispers of Eldoria
10. Emerald Abyss of Ethoria
11. Secrets of Embervale
12. Whispers of the Lost Arcadia
13. Gaze of the Aetherion
14. Whispers of Eldoria
15. Realm of the Ancient Echoes
16. Secrets of Embervale
17. Whispers of Eldoria
18. Nightfall of Trystan
19. Enigma of Lythoria
20. Elysian Wastes
21. Twilight of Elenvar
22. Fables of Starlit Crucible
23. Shadows of Eldoria
24. Threads of Nyxalia
25. Echoes of Thalnor
26. Elysium of Shadows
27. Secrets of Arcanthos
28. Whispers of Eldoria
29. Elysian Wastes
30. Isle of the Forgotten Veil
31. Whispers of Eldoria
32. Remnants of Ythrys
33. Gloaming of Farondel
34. Halls of Eldranis
35. Forgotten Isles of Vespera
36. Harbingers of Valtara
37. Sagas of Nytheria
38. Realm of the Ancient Echoes
39. Fables of Starlit Crucible
40. Sagas of Nytheria
41. Ruins of Nymoria
42. Lore of the Lost Echoes
43. Realm of the Ancient Echoes
44. Echoes of Thalnor
45. Chronicles of Aranthys
46. Exiles of Caladorn
47. Echoes of Thalnor
48. Enigma of Lythoria
49. Depths of Ebonreach
50. Crimson Isles of Aetheria

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