Top 50 Horror Character Names

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The Top 50 Horror Character Names List

These are the top 50 Horror Character Names for 2024.

1. Vespera Shadowthorn
2. Isadora Wraith
3. Isadora Wraith
4. Lilith Nightbloom
5. Thorne Redgrave
6. Darius Blackthorn
7. Selene Shadowcaster
8. Silvana Bloodveil
9. Ophelia Dreadweaver
10. Thaddeus Grimscar
11. Belladonna Blackheart
12. Mordecai Bloodmoon
13. Nyx Blackwood
14. Kieran Nightchill
15. Nyx Blackwood
16. Caspian Shadowthorn.
17. Selene Shadowcaster
18. Thorne Redgrave
19. Esmeralda Nightstalker
20. Lazarus Darklore
21. Lucian Darkstone
22. Vespera Shadowthorn
23. Nyx Blackwood
24. Ravenna Nightshade
25. Serenity Nighthollow
26. Lucasta Bloodfang
27. Vespera Shadowthorn
28. Kieran Nightchill
29. Isolde Ravenheart
30. Seraphina Grimwood
31. Xander Darkthistle
32. Ignatius Deathmourn
33. Mordecai Bloodmoon
34. Silvana Bloodveil
35. Xander Darkthistle
36. Odessa Cryptkeeper
37. Lilith Vileheart
38. Serenity Nighthollow
39. Vespera Shadowthorn
40. Ravenna Nightshade
41. Ignatius Deathmourn
42. Lucian Darkstone
43. Thorne Grimnoir
44. Varek Blackwraith
45. Azrael Darkwhisper
46. Morgana Darkfire
47. Lysander Gravesong
48. Vespera Shadowthorn
49. Isolde Ravenheart
50. Lucasta Bloodfang

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