Top 50 Industrial Revolution Inventor Names

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The Top 50 Industrial Revolution Inventor Names List

These are the top 50 Industrial Revolution Inventor Names for 2024.

1. Cyrus McCormick
2. Andrew Carnegie
3. Edwin Drake
4. Andrew Carnegie
5. James Watt
6. Samuel F. B. Morse
7. Howard Hughes
8. John Deere
9. Nikola Tesla
10. Hiram Maxim
11. Benjamin Thompson
12. Charles Goodyear
13. Samuel Morse
14. James Watt
15. James Watt
16. George Washington Carver
17. Howard Hughes
18. Nikola Tesla
19. Maria Beasley
20. Christopher Latham Sholes.
21. George Washington Carver
22. Clarence Birdseye
23. Thomas Edison
24. Alfred Nobel
25. George Stephenson
26. Benjamin Thompson
27. John Deere
28. James Hargreaves
29. George Westinghouse
30. Nikola Tesla
31. John Kay
32. James Watt
33. Benjamin Thompson
34. Edwin Drake
35. Alexander Fleming
36. Edwin Drake
37. Hiram Maxim
38. Samuel Morse
39. Thomas Edison
40. Isaac Singer
41. John Kay
42. Henry Ford
43. Samuel F. B. Morse
44. James Watt
45. Gottlieb Daimler
46. Charles Goodyear
47. Alexander Graham Bell
48. George Westinghouse
49. George Washington Carver
50. Isaac Singer

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