Top 50 Urbanmage Names

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The Top 50 Urbanmage Names List

These are the top 50 Urbanmage Names for 2024.

1. Lyric Ravenwood
2. Thalia Moonstone
3. Zephyra Stormbringer
4. Caspian Wildfire
5. Rhiannon Spellbound
6. Caspian Wildfire
7. Kaiya Soulflame
8. Raina Wavesinger
9. Rune Shadowcaster
10. Sage Nightwind
11. Lyric Ravenwood
12. Rhiannon Spellbound
13. Zephyra Stormbringer
14. Ophelia Starfire
15. Luna Shadowcaster
16. Zephyr Skyweaver
17. Phoenix Sunspell
18. Selene Silvermoon
19. Soren Stormchaser
20. Azura Mistweaver
21. Lyric Ravenwood
22. Sylvan Thornheart
23. Rhiannon Spellbound
24. Luna Starweaver
25. Sable Nightshade
26. Rhiannon Spellbound
27. Soren Stormchaser
28. Luna Starweaver
29. Willow Faesong
30. Phoenix Firebloom
31. Astrid Wolfsong
32. Raina Wavesinger
33. Rhiannon Spellbound
34. Celestia Dusklight
35. Celestia Dusklight
36. Phoenix Sunspell
37. Thorn Evernight
38. Lysander Frostmoon
39. Caspian Wildfire
40. Kieran Thunderheart
41. Astrid Wolfsong
42. Kairos Shadowfax
43. Lyric Ravenwood
44. Luna Shadowcaster
45. Sylvan Thornheart
46. Zephyra Stormbringer
47. Emberlynn Frostbloom
48. Rune Shadowcaster
49. Lyric Ravenwood
50. Sable Nightshade

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