Top 50 Vampire Names

Welcome to the top 50 vampire names. This is a list of vampire names. It is comprehensive list that helps people choose the right vampire name for the right halloween party. People also can use this vampire name list for writing projects such as a draft for a book about vampires.

The Top 50 Vampire Names List

These are the top 50 Vampire Names for 2024.

1. Ascelin
2. Marcel
3. Owen
4. Gadiel
5. Erasmus
6. Santiago
7. Phaeron
8. Sirius
9. Nicolai
10. Caedmon
11. Cynfael
12. Sun
13. Valentine
14. Draven
15. Arad
16. Alaric
17. Jedediah
18. Magna
19. Samuel
20. Anton
21. Gale
22. Sullivan
23. Everild
24. Eoghan
25. Aliester
26. Nodin
27. Lycidas
28. Luther
29. Frank
30. Remus
31. Dante
32. Eldon
33. Nicolai
34. Jorin
35. Zane
36. Phaeron
37. Deverell
38. Julius
39. Owen
40. Caleb
41. Dreven
42. Neculai
43. Asema
44. Cyprian
45. Heathcliffe
46. Damien
47. Nicholas
48. Gareth
49. Leopold
50. Creighton

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